i love weird things!
very good man!!! great job! you made a classic!
i love weird things!
very good man!!! great job! you made a classic!
creative 8/10
style 9/10
weird 9/10
SCORE 9/10
thanks golfinho
but i like your style!
weird and funny!
i liked all details! more animations please.
fat nerd masturbation is normali!
is true!!! is nice work! i like the short history(?)
teletubies are sick, but that is more sick!
i dont understant
but i like it. great job... but is not big great.
Excellent job!
the music is great!!!! mario to sing this ever end!
Thanks golf! I'm glad you liked it! BTW, congrats on getting MArio: BAd Trip into Treasure Hunt 2009!
hey! i know wtf?
onion piss fly penis on duck vomiting shit licke sun yesterday!
Hot damn, I come back 2 years later and look at this.
Just so you know, I dig your stuff.
I've seen it floating around everywhere, and when I saw your meowth I had to confirm it was the real guy.
So yeah, keep doing what you're doing man, I'm a fan
I do not speak inglish. Not need to worry, no need to hurry, relax buddy.
Age 34
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Joined on 3/15/09